Capital Moment

  • Capital Moment

Moment w stolicy. Spostrzeżenia o kulturze pisania graffiti inspirowane bombingiem warszawskich ulic. Fotograficzny reportaż i teksty ukazujące zjawisko pisania imion w polskiej stolicy. Książka, która oprócz ukazania stanu bombingu na 2022 rok, daje czytelnikowi wewnętrzny zarys grafficiarskiej problematyki. a5 110 stron.

A moment in the capital. Observations on the culture of graffiti writing inspired by bombing in the streets of Warsaw. A photographic reportage and texts showing the phenomenon of writing names in the Polish capital. A book that, in addition to showing the state of bombing in 2022, gives the reader an internal outline of graffiti issues.

Book about graffiti culture on the streets of Warsaw. Thoughts and photographic documentation of graffiti bombing in Polish capital. A5 format 110 pages.